What's Happening in Williams' Classes: Week of 1/15 - 1/19/2019

WEEK OF 1/15-1/19 Accounting 1st -Rico Sanchez, Sep 1-14 Transactions, Printed. -Rico Sanchez, Sep 15-25 Print Trial Balance -Rico Sanchez, Sep 26-30 Print General Journal, Print Trial Balance -Rico Sanchez, Sep 30 End of Fiscal Period, Print General Journal Report, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Balance Sheet Graph ========================= Web Design 7th Ch 5. -Practice Marking Up Text with HTML5 elements pp 69-78 -Exercise 5.1 Marking Up a Recipe, Print code/webpage -Practice Marking Up Text with HTML5 elements pp 81-85, ver.3 -Exercise 5.2 Fix It, Print code/webpage -Practice Generic Elements (div and span), pp 95 - 100 - Exercise 5.3 The Black Goose, Blog Page, Print code/webpage, pp 101 - TEST YOURSELF, pp 102-103 ========================= Keyboarding 4th/5th Objective1.1 Creating and Managing Documents Practice Tasks 1 - 14 Quiz Objective 1.1: Fax, Business Letter Templates Objective 1.2...